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Houston Assoc of Realtors

MLS Provider: Bridge API

A1 | See all available Data Systems

To get the complete list of DataSystems provided by a server, append /DataSystem to the URI Stem of the server. Each Data System provided by the service will be listed as items and will contain a list all available Resources for that... Top

A2 | Get metadata

Retrieve metadata for a specific service in OData EDMX/xml format.$metadata Top

A3 | Get single Data System

Select a specific Data System and list its resources. The DataSystem endpoint will list all available Resources.'har') Top

A4 | See all available Data Systems

To get the complete list of DataSystems provided by a server, append /DataSystem to the URI Stem of the server. Each Data System provided by the service will be listed as items and will contain a list all available Resources for that... Top

B5 | Filter by resource key

You can search most resources by using that resource’s unique identifier.'c9ca5fc467632837ffedc76501749f26') Top

B6 | Filter for specific Property

There are several ways to get a single property. By ID as in this example or including the unique key (i.e. Listing Key) in the Property attribute. i.e. Property(‘23442234’). Resultant fields are dictated by the $select...$filter=ListingKey eq 'c9ca5fc467632837ffedc76501749f26'&$select=ListingKey,BedroomsTotal,StreetName,StreetNumber,City,PropertyType,ModificationTimestamp,ListAgent,CloseDate,PropertySubType Top

C10 | Filter using ‘not’ in an expression

A boolean ‘Not’ must enclose its operands in a parenthesis with not as an operator i.e. not(City eq ‘Elkwood’).$filter=not(BedroomsTotal le 3) and (PropertyType eq 'Residential')&$select=ListingKey,BedroomsTotal,StreetName,StreetNumber,City,PropertyType,ModificationTimestamp,ListAgent,CloseDate,BedroomsTotal&$top=10 Top

C11 | Filter on same field

Use parenthesis and logical ‘and’ or ‘or’ to group filter expressions.$filter=BedroomsTotal lt 15 or (BedroomsTotal eq 4 and InternetConsumerCommentYN eq true)&$top=10&$select=ListingKey,BedroomsTotal,StreetName,StreetNumber,City,PropertyType,ModificationTimestamp,ListAgent,CloseDate Top

C12 | Filter using not equal

not equal (ne) is used as to counter equal (eq)$filter=BedroomsTotal ne -1&$top=10&$select=ListingKey,BedroomsTotal,StreetName,StreetNumber,City,PropertyType,ModificationTimestamp,ListAgent,CloseDate Top

C7 | Filter on multiple field values

All names in the $filter option are case sensitive and must match the names of elements provided by the metadata resource. Values are also case sensitive.$filter=BedroomsTotal lt 15 and (City eq 'Houston') and (PropertyType eq 'Residential')&$top=10&$select=ListingKey,BedroomsTotal,StreetName,StreetNumber,City,PropertyType,ModificationTimestamp,ListAgent,CloseDate,BedroomsTotal Top

C8 | Filter on Boolean field

Filter results by a boolean field (true or false). Note, do not treat the value true or false as a string.$filter=InternetConsumerCommentYN eq true&$top=10&$select=ListingKey,BedroomsTotal,StreetName,StreetNumber,City,PropertyType,ModificationTimestamp,ListAgent,CloseDate,InternetConsumerCommentYN Top

C9 | Filter on string fields

Filter a query by matching strings. Note that string comparisons are case sensitive. There are also string functions to aid with string filters but will vary depending on MLS Provider (i.e. toupper(StreetName) eq...$filter=toupper(MemberFirstName) eq 'ADAM' or MemberFirstName eq 'James'&$top=20

Zillow does not appear to accept toupper() function


D13 | Expand Resources in results

The $expand system query option specifies the related resources to be included in line with retrieved resources. Look for the NavigationProperty in the metadata to determine if a resource is linked for expansion.$filter=(City eq 'Houston') and (PropertyType eq 'Residential') and PhotosCount gt 1&$top=10&$select=ListingKey,BedroomsTotal,StreetName,StreetNumber,City,PropertyType,ModificationTimestamp,ListAgent,CloseDate,PhotosCount&$expand=ListAgent Top

D14 | Sort Results

The $orderby system query option allows clients to request resources in either ascending order using asc or descending order using desc. If asc or desc not specified, then the resources will be ordered in ascending (asc) order. A compliant client SHOULD use the...$filter=ListPrice lt 1000000 and (PropertyType eq 'Residential')&$orderby=ListPrice desc&$top=10&$select=ListingKey,BedroomsTotal,StreetName,StreetNumber,City,PropertyType,ModificationTimestamp,ListAgent,CloseDate,Longitude,Latitude,Roof,PropertySubType,Sewer,ModificationTimestamp,CloseDate,PropertySubType Top

D15 | Return only limited number of records

Get first 10 results from query/filter. All names in the $select option are case-sensitive to match the names of elements provided by the resource. The implementation of $top and $orderby is defined by the server and may restrict what values may be used in either...$top=10&$select=MemberLastName,MemberFirstName,MemberLoginId&$filter=toupper(MemberFirstName) eq 'JOHN' Top

D16 | Skip n records and get next m records

Skip by the first 10 results and return the 2nd 10 results from a filter. If more records exist in the query than returned then using the @odata.nextLink value from the result is another way to retrieve remaining...$skip=10&$top=10&$orderby=MemberLastName&$select=MemberLastName,MemberFirstName,MemberLoginId Top

D17 | Ouput a selected set of fields

The resultant output (usually JSON) can be dictated by using the OData ‘select’ statement.$filter=BedroomsTotal eq 3&$top=10&$select=ListingKey,BedroomsTotal,StreetName,StreetNumber,City,PropertyType,ModificationTimestamp,ListAgent,CloseDate Top

E18 | Filter on single value enumeration

A Single Valued Lookup is a field that can have one and only one selection from a list of values. The Web API Implements Single Valued Lookup fields using the OData data type of Edm.EnumType with an underlying type of...$filter=(PropertyType eq 'Residential') and Roof has PropertyEnums.Roof'Composition'&$top=10&$select=ListingKey,BedroomsTotal,StreetName,StreetNumber,City,PropertyType,ModificationTimestamp,ListAgent,CloseDate,Roof Top

E19 | Filter on multi-valued enumeration

A Multi-Valued Lookup is a field that can have one or more items selected from a list of values.$filter=(PropertyType eq 'Residential') and (Sewer has PropertyEnums.Sewer'Septic Tank') or (Sewer has PropertyEnums.Sewer'Public Water')&$top=10&$select=ListingKey,BedroomsTotal,StreetName,StreetNumber,City,PropertyType,ModificationTimestamp,ListAgent,CloseDate,Sewer Top

F20 | Filter on a Date

Filtering on a date requires date fields to be defined as dates (Type=”Edm.Date”) in the metadata$filter=ListingContractDate gt 2016-12-31 and (PropertyType eq 'Residential')&$top=10&$select=ListingKey,BedroomsTotal,StreetName,StreetNumber,City,PropertyType,ModificationTimestamp,ListAgent,CloseDate,ListingContractDate Top

F21 | Filter on time

Filtering on time can use of the hour, minute, second and fractional seconds functions.$filter=year(ModificationTimestamp) eq 2018 and month(ModificationTimestamp) gt 5 and day(ModificationTimestamp) lt 31 and hour(ModificationTimestamp) gt 1 and minute(ModificationTimestamp) gt 3 and (PropertyType eq 'Residential')&$top=10&$select=ListingKey,BedroomsTotal,StreetName,StreetNumber,City,PropertyType,ModificationTimestamp,ListAgent,CloseDate,ModificationTimestamp Top

F22 | Filter on a fractional second

filtering on fractions of a second requires the use of the function fractionalseconds()$top=4&$filter=ListingContractDate gt 2017-01-01 and month(ListingContractDate) gt 5 and fractionalseconds(ModificationTimestamp) lt 33 and PropertyType eq 'Residential'&$select=ListingKey,BedroomsTotal,Directions,ListingContractDate,ModificationTimestamp,StandardStatus,PropertyType,City,PublicRemarks

HAR: Cannot apply any filters on ModificationTimestamp (incompatible types)


F23 | Filter on a date value of now

The function now() will return the now time in UTC$filter=ModificationTimestamp le now() and (PropertyType eq 'Residential')&$top=10&$select=ListingKey,BedroomsTotal,StreetName,StreetNumber,City,PropertyType,ModificationTimestamp,ListAgent,CloseDate,ModificationTimestamp

HAR: Cannot apply any filters on ModificationTimestamp (incompatible types)


G24 | Filter on a string that starts with

Filter on a string field value that starts with a certain value. This is case sensitive$filter=startswith(MemberFirstName, 'Joh')&$select=MemberFirstName,MemberLastName,MemberStatus,ModificationTimestamp&$top=20

HAR does not support function startswith()


G25 | Filter on a string that ends with

Filter on a string field value that ends with a certain value. This is case sensitive$filter=endswith(StreetName, 'M')&$select=ListingKey,BedroomsTotal,StreetName,StreetNumber,City,PropertyType,ModificationTimestamp,ListAgent,CloseDate,StreetName&$top=10 Top

G26 | Filter a string that contains

Filter on a string field value that contains a certain value. This is case sensitive$filter=contains(toupper(StreetName),'MAIN')&$top=10&$select=ListingKey,BedroomsTotal,StreetName,StreetNumber,City,PropertyType,ModificationTimestamp,ListAgent,CloseDate Top

G27 | Filter by comparing upper case

Convert a string to upper case (toupper). Lower case would use the function tolower().$filter=toupper(StreetName) eq 'MAIN'&$top=10&$select=ListingKey,BedroomsTotal,StreetName,StreetNumber,City,PropertyType,ModificationTimestamp,ListAgent,CloseDate,StreetName Top

H28 | Geospatial Filter within a radius

A geographic search from a point in the Data System. Note that the structure of a geospatial search can vary per MLS.Search. Pay attention to MLS Service metadata name for Type=”Edm.GeographyPoint”.$filter=geo.distance(Coordinates, POINT(-95.436157 29.829612)) le 5&$top=10

HAR: geo.distance() does not work


H29 | Geospatial Filter within a polygon

Need a minimum of four points to search by a polygon. The first and last points must be the same and because you’re able to put ‘holes’ into your polygon, you’d need to wrap the coords in another set of parenthesis. Note that the structure of a...$filter=(PropertyType eq 'Residential') and geo.intersects(Coordinates,POLYGON((-95.436157 29.829612,-95.472636 29.833111,-95.472467 29.866538,-95.429713 29.870111,-95.436157 29.829612)))&$top=10&$select=ListingKey,BedroomsTotal,StreetName,StreetNumber,City,PropertyType,ModificationTimestamp,ListAgent,CloseDate

HAR: geo.intersects() does not work

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