Select Page$filter=(PropertyType eq 'Residential') and City eq 'Loxahatchee' and geo.intersects(Location,geography'POLYGON((-80.361589 26.724994, -80.361670 26.739507, -80.352591 26.738970, -80.361589 26.724994))')&$top=4&$select=ListingKey,BedroomsTotal,Directions,ListingContractDate,ModificationTimestamp,StandardStatus,PropertyType,Location,PublicRemarks,StreetName,StreetNumber

Need a minimum of four points to search by a polygon. The first and last points must be the same and because you’re able to put ‘holes’ into your polygon, you’d need to wrap the coords in another set of parenthesis. Note that the structure of a geospatial search can vary per MLS. Pay attention to MLS Service metadata name for Type=”Edm.GeographyPoint”.

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