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RESO Now Certifies Brokers and Their Vendors

RESO Common Format Achieves New Interoperability Opportunities in Real Estate Certification at RESO has traditionally been for MLSs and their software providers. But real estate brokerages and their technology vendors have always been an important part of the RESO...

Shining a Standards Light on Small Brokers and Broker Vendors

RESO is often seen as an organization that serves Multiple Listing Services (MLSs) and the technology providers that create products for them. Yet, standards benefit everyone downstream of MLSs, including brokers, agents and consumers, so RESO regularly features...

Broker Spotlight on Jessica Edgerton and LeadingRE

RESO workgroup meetings are an important aspect of in-person RESO conferences. The Broker Advisory Workgroup has taken on a fresh approach in recent years, focusing on interviews with working brokers about how RESO standards make a difference to their businesses. At...

Pushing vs. Polling: The Future of MLS/Broker Data Distribution

Constantly asking a data provider for updates is the current status quo for most brokers and data consumers in the real estate industry. Data producers pushing updates out to consumers only when needed could be a reality in the very near future with a straightforward...
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